Aug 22, 2014
Join the guys for another installment of Late Nite Jive. Tom Patti, amateur boxer trained by Cus D'Amato, actor, businessman, and fellow Stocktonian, joins the show to talk about training under the legendary Cus D'Amato, being friends with Mike Tyson, and Fat City Stockton, CA.
Aug 2, 2014
Tim and Matt talk about people's natural fear of night, the great lengths Matt went through to hookup with girls as a teenager, getting robbed by a hooker, the AIDS scare, and Tim being mis-diagnosed with a tumor.
Jul 25, 2014
Tim talks about the wedding ceremony he performed over the weekend. The guys talk about the Rickson podcast and then Matt tells an incredible story about dating older women.
Jul 12, 2014
Join Matt and Tim for another installment of Late Nite Jive. The guys sit down with cousin Sam to talk about Matt's awesome gambling pickle, the pecking order in the family as kids, and Sam's adventures in being a security at a local motel including drugs, guns, kidnapping, and a freestylin' Samoan.