Jan 7, 2013
Join Tim, Matt, and Ernest for another ridiculous show about
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and life. Tim discusses his son's new found
passion for Lord of the Rings and being manipulated with the Amazon
Click Through link by his son. Tim also talks about Christmas Eve
and coming face to face with a scary Stocktonian at 3AM, how his
CrossFit training partner changes demeanor when Ernest is present,
and Ernest flaunting his black belt to the kid's class.
The guys sit down with Team Takedown and Cobra Kai famed Marc
Laimon. Marc talks about his background in Jiu-Jitsu, early
obsessions for learning from VHS tapes, experiences on The Ultimate
Fighter and his "beef" with Matt Serra. Marc also talks about his
match with Ryron Gracie and his favorite/least favorite positions
in Mixed Martial Arts. Ernest pulls an "Ernest" and asks Marc a
very personal question.